They're adorable but a little plain. And you know how well me and plain get along!
But first I needed a table to go with them. Sometimes it takes months to find that perfect piece. This time, just one day later I found a great kids table in an antique mall! And it was already painted white!
I was so excited about it that I forgot to take a "before" shot of the table! Go figure! You've never done that, right?
Well, you know my affinity for numbers! I've numbered things here and here and here and here. So these little chairs needed some numbers, too. I cut a stencil with my Silhouette and used black acrylic paint to fill it in.
Adorable, right? Well I snatched up that little table and painted the top with chalkboard paint.
Here's the final product:
Now the question is, do I sell it or keep it?