Speaking of new life, on a recent junking trip I found this old radio. It was cheap. Like dirt.
It still had the old radio inside. I texted some pictures to my husband to see if he could tackle surgery on it. He said "buy it."
So I hauled it home and he got busy taking the guts out.
It was rough. Perfect for another attempt at MMS milk paint.
So I whipped up a batch of Kitchen Scale.
My new friend Lynette at the Silver Nest told me her secret to mixing milk paint. So I thought I'd try it. I definitely got better results this time. The secret?
1. Measure out the powder and stir in half of the hot water.
2. Stir until you have a thick paste.
3. Gradually add in remaining water until it is the consistency you want.
So with my paint mixed up, I gave the cabinet two coats of milk paint.
And slowly but surely she began to chip.
After scraping off the chips, it took on a very authentic vintage look.
Of course, I needed to address the dreary insides.
So I painted the inside with two coats of ASCP Coco.
Two coats of clear wax and she was ready to go to the shop.
I'm just loving the chipped top!
She's ready to find a home!
Hard to believe she came from such humble beginnings!
If I can do this with an old cabinet and a can of paint, image what God can do when we give our lives to Him!
Showing off here: