It sat in my garage for a year, waiting for attention. I passed it daily and dreaded having to paint the massive piece. I went and bought a spray gun for our compressor, deciding to spray paint it. It still sat there, waiting for me to figure out where I was going to paint it. That's when I gave it up. The top, that is. Yep, I decided to forgo the china hutch top and just keep the bottom as a buffet. Sacrilege? Maybe. Practical? Definitely.
I started by stripping and refinishing the top. That's the stripper doing it's magic on the top. It's hard to tell, but this baby's 6 feet long!
I gave it two coats of Old White and CeCe Caldwell's Memphis Blue in the insets. I was anxious to try it out since I can get CeCe's paint locally and have to order ASCP. I'm happy to report that without the labels, I would not have known the difference!
A little distressing, a coat of clear wax, and some glaze later and voila -
Ok, well this is a "before" and "after" of the glaze!
Now, voila!
If you're coming to buy this piece, bring your own muscle!
Showing off this week: