I found this awesome frame at Ikea and decided I'd use it for a bulletin board. You could use any frame you have on hand. I had my husband cut a piece of thin plywood to fit the frame. Cardboard could also work.
I bought cork squares at Lowe's. You might find a roll of cork. My Lowe's didn't carry it any more.
I traced the opening of the frame onto the plywood so I'd know where to end the cork.
I used spray adhesive to attach the cork to the plywood, then used a razor blade knife to trim the cork to the size of the frame opening.
You can see where the seams from the cork squares are. It's not going to show since I plan to cover it with fabric.
I trimmed the cork as close to my pencil line as I could get it.
I found this awesome fabric at Calico Corners and fell in love. It reminded me of a grain sack at a fraction of the price.
This would be perfect in this frame! So I used my staple gun to wrap it around the board and attach it to the back. If you used cardboard, you could probably duck tape the fabric on the back!
I'm liking it!
Then I just had to pop it into the frame.
Next I need to make some cute thumb tacks for it.
Any ideas?
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